Lesson 22 (Optional): Share your family tree

Step 1

For this activity you will need a partner! You will also need the images (photographs or drawings) of your uncle, and your aunts. You will take turns with your partner, showing each other pictures of your family members and saying who each one is in Northern Pomo.

For example: Person 1 points to a picture of their uncle and tells their partner, “He is my uncle.” in Northern Pomo.

Sounds My Father My Mother My Maternal Aunt My Maternal Aunt My Maternal Uncle My Maternal Grandfather My Maternal Grandmother

Step 2

Show your partner the two remaining family members, and introduce them in Northern Pomo!

Now the second person can do Steps 1 and 2!

At the end of Lesson 22:

ʔ a a: b ch
ch' d e e: h
i i: j k k'
l m n o
o: p p' s
sh t t'
t̪' t̪ʰ ts ts' u
u: w x y
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