Lesson 23: Make your family tree

In this exercise you will be making your full family tree, so you may need to use a large piece of paper or multiple pieces taped together. You will also need all the photographs and drawings of your family members that you collected at the beginning of the module.

Step 1

Follow the format of the family trees that you have been working with to draw your complete family tree, from your grandparents down to you and your brothers and sisters. Paste the pictures of your family members to the appropriate spots on your tree.


Step 2

Label each spot on the tree with that family member’s name, and “my _____” and “he/she is my _____” in Northern Pomo.

Step 3

Once your tree is complete, find three different people that you can show your family tree to. Explain your tree to each of these people by pointing to each picture and saying the appropriate Northern Pomo phrase for “He/she is my _____.” If you have more than one brother, or more than one sister, say the Northern Pomo phrase “They are my brothers/sisters.” as well.

ʔ a a: b ch
ch' d e e: h
i i: j k k'
l m n o
o: p p' s
sh t t'
t̪' t̪ʰ ts ts' u
u: w x y
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