There's a.. uh.. old medicine man that we had here in the rancheria, went- always went up to cut wood…which they did all- when there's good weather, all summer, all summer long, you know to prepare for winter. So he went up, and he cut quite a load. Got very tired, sitting down, and wiping his perspiration away, and he said, his dog was watching him. Then he said he looked at the dog and dog looked at him… And then, pretty soon he said to the dog, he said, "why don't you help me! What good are you? You should help me!" So the dog looked at him, quite a while and then he said, held up his paws and said, "look at my paws, he's, look at my (hand,)" He said, "I can't do nothing," he said, "with my hands like this." So he told us, he said, "don't you kids ever talk to dog," he say, "because he'll answer you." Of course with us it went in one ear and came out the other.