Northern Pomo Online Phrasicon

English Word Lookup

Northern Pomo Word Lookup


3 search results found for '' in Northern Pomo.

yaʔ ma-ʔenamo:w t̪o: xa:pʰit'aʔade
yaʔ ma-ʔe-na:m-mo:wt̪o:xa:pʰit'aʔa-de
our father-the-hemepity-present
our father has mercy on me
our father pities me
yaʔ ma-ʔena:mo:wal ma lowmoʔon
yaʔ ma-ʔe-na:m-mo:walmalow-moʔo-n
our father-the-himyoutalk-recip.-ing
you are talking to our father
yo:w sal nam xa:pʰit'ayakʰe ʔa: na t̪o: xa:pʰit'am yaʔ ma-ʔena:mo:w
yo:w sal namxa:pʰit'a-ya-kʰeʔa:nat̪o:xa:pʰit'a-myaʔ ma-ʔe-na:m-mo:w
bless you!pity-passive-futureIbemepity-commandour father-the-he
be healthful! I will be pitied, have pity on me, our father.
This is a short prayer of thanks for food that is not everyday fare