Northern Pomo Online Phrasicon

English Word Lookup

Northern Pomo Word Lookup


3 search results found for '' in Northern Pomo.

t̪iʔ kʰe binat' jo:diʔkʰe t̪ʰint̪a ma:n pʰik'a shibuʔ
t̪iʔkʰe binat'jo:diʔ-kʰet̪ʰin-t̪ama:npʰik'ashibu
her.logo.necklacekeep-in order tonot-Qshebasketweave-Q
isn't she weaving a basket to keep her fancy necklace in?
she made a basket to store her necklace, right?
t̪iʔ kʰe binat' jo:diʔkʰe mu:l ma:n pʰik'a shibu
t̪iʔkʰe binat'jo:diʔ-kʰemu:lma:npʰik'ashibu
her.logo.necklacekeep-in order tothatshebasketweave
she made a basket to keep her necklaces in
she is weaving a basket to store her necklace
t̪iʔ kʰe binat' jo:diʔkʰe ma:n pʰik'a shibu
t̪iʔkʰe binat'jo:diʔ-kʰema:npʰik'ashibu
her.logo.necklacestore-in order toshebasketweave
she made a basket to keep her necklaces in (2)
she is weaving a basket to store her necklace (2)