Northern Pomo Online Phrasicon

English Word Lookup

Northern Pomo Word Lookup


6 search results found for '' in English.

jom xale lok't̪an
jom xalelok'-t̪a-n
grey pine treefall-mev.-ing
(a whole bunch of) grey pine trees fell
jom xale k'o shat̪amkanhaya
jom xalek'osha-t̪a-m-ka-nha-ya
grey pine treenotfall-mev.-cont.-cause-not-passive
grey pine trees were not felled
(they) didn't make grey pine trees collapse
jom xalena:m diley shat̪amkaya
jom xale-na:mdileysha-t̪a-m-ka-ya
grey pine tree-theallfall-mev.-cont.-cause-passive
the grey pine trees were all felled
(they) made all of the grey pine trees collapse
jom xale shat̪aman
jom xalesha-t̪a-ma-n
grey pine treefall-mev.-cont.-ing
grey pine trees are falling
jom xale diley shat̪ama lok't̪an
jom xaledileysha-t̪a-malok'-t̪a-n
grey pine treeallfall-mev.-cont.fall-mev.-ing
all of the grey pine trees fell
all of the grey pine trees collapsed
jom xalena:m ʔul t'aboji
jom xale-na:mʔult'abo-ji
grey pine tree-thenowdry-semelf.
the pine tree already dried