Northern Pomo Online Phrasicon

English Word Lookup

Northern Pomo Word Lookup


3 search results found for '' in Northern Pomo.

mo:wal haba: jaxan
himtonguewith knife--cut-ing
cutting his tongue
du: jano janon daʔadin meʔ ma mu:l haba: t̪'oxale na
if you want to speak another language, you have to suck tongues
Edna said, “Old Indian women would say that to us all the time. We’d make a remark about not being able to understand another dialect and we’d laugh at the old ladies when they’d say that to us. I never was able to tell if it was a joke or not, whether we should or whether it was done or not!”
du: janon daʔadin meʔ ma mu:l haba: t̪'oxale nanway
if you want to speak another (language), you have to suck tongues
Edna said, “Old Indian women would say that to us all the time. We’d make a remark about not being able to understand another dialect and we’d laugh at the old ladies when they’d say that to us. I never was able to tell if it was a joke or not, whether we should or whether it was done or not!”